What do we call this movement?

Organic Church? House Church? Simple Church? Micro Church?

What name should we choose?

This kind of church model is so unique. Many people from all over the country have written books on this type of church model, and have given it different names. Some call it house church, because we meet in a home instead of a building. Some call it organic church because we grow as an organism instead of an organization. Some call it simple church because it’s very simple in nature instead of programatic. Some call it micro church because it’s a small number of people instead of a large congregation. So, let’s figure out a good name for this.

Simple Church?

What about simple church? After all, our gatherings are very simple. We don’t over-think things. There are no kids programs. No men’s or women’s ministries. No eloquent sermons. We pray. We talk. We receive communion. We eat lunch. And the focus is Jesus. That’s it. So maybe simple church?

Organic Church?

What about organic church? Yes, that’s a cool name, because a lot of things we do is organic in nature as opposed to traditional churches that are run like business organizations. Just like a tree, we aim to grow intentionally through encouraging discussions instead of inspirational monologues and by creating time and space for Holy Spirit to lead the group instead of just one leader making all the decisions. Relationships are also formed through organic settings rather than a theater-like setting. That’s a good name, but it sounds odd. Maybe people will think we only eat organic food or something, so maybe not the best. 

House Church?

Ok, so yes, we meet for church in homes. So do we call it a house church? And it’s even in the Bible. Let’s look.

“Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with joyful and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.” -Acts 2:46-47 (CSB)

So does that mean we need to meet in homes? Well, there are many house church leaders who believe that, but I don’t think it’s true. All because the first century church gathered in homes, doesn’t mean we need to. If we go by that logic, then we also need to consider how they also cast lots to pick leaders in the church. So that means we need to throw the dice to pick our pastors? That doesn’t sound right.

For us, the home is the best place to meet because of the kind of culture we want to build. However, if we feel like we need to gather, let’s say, in a community center,  park, or even a small building we can do that too.

Micro Church

This sounds super edgy and cool! I mean it is small right? Our end goal isn’t to just keep growing into a mega church. Our plan is to multiply and train pastors to disciple and lead other small churches. A good maximum group size is about 20 people. So micro church seems like a good name.

Why House Church is the best option

While each of these names share particular truths about this type of church movement, each one by itself doesn’t fully encapsulate what we’re trying to do. I guess what I’m trying to say is that there is no perfect name for this movement. However, I do think it’s best to have a name for this to distinguish it from traditional churches. Even though I don’t believe meeting in homes is necessary for our church, calling it a house church is best for outsiders to understand our model. We meet in homes.

Matt Garcia

Matt Garcia

House Church Leader

Matt is one of the leaders of The Way Church, a house church in San Antonio, TX

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