The Way Church

We are a small group of Christians in San Antonio who meet together to grow more in Christ.

Gathering Times

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” -Hebrews 10:24-25

Home Gathering

Sundays at 10:00am

Join us on Sunday mornings in a home in San Antonio. Fill out the form below to let us know you’re coming. You can also join us on Zoom if you can’t make it in-person.

Zoom Gathering

Tuesdays at 7:30pm

On Tuesday evenings, we log on Zoom video conference and talk about various topics or our read and discuss our Bible reading plan. Send us a message to get the password to the Zoom meeting.

House Church?

There may be many ways to describe how we do church. House Church, Organic Church, or Simple Church. Our ways of doing things may be different than most churches, but we try to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance in everything we do. Learn more about us and see if this may be where God is leading you and your family as well.


The Way Church has two couples who help pastor and lead this group of people. Learn more about their story below.

Chris & Anita Caulk

Chris and Anita have been married for 20 years and have four children. Chris is a Bible nerd who loves to teach about apologetics and how to read the Bible. Anita is gifted at shepherding and helping those who are left out find a loving church family.

Matt & Jesika Garcia

The Garcias have four children. They love to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus by learning about spiritual disciplines and different ways to love Jesus more. Matt has a Pastoral Leadership degree from Nelson University and was in full-time ministry for seven years before becoming a full-time dad and stepping in to help lead this church.

The Way Church Values

Devoted Worshipers

We want to be people who are devoted to worshiping Jesus. We want to carve out daily time for prayer and Bible reading. We make time to join with others to pray and study His Word. We regularly celebrate the Lord’s Supper and can’t stop thanking Him for His mercy. These are not obligations we try to squeeze in, but cravings we can’t live without. We don’t require gifted communicators or musicians; we just love to worship Jesus even in the most basic settings. It is the Object of worship that makes worship exciting to us.

Loving Families

The body of believers is supposed to be closer to us than our own families (Matt. 12:46-50, Luke 14:26). Jesus said that “all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). He also prayed that his disciples would be so “perfectly one” that the world may believe that the Father sent Jesus (John 17:20-23).

Equipped Disciple-Makers

We want the members of The Way Church to become fully trained for greater works of service. We believe that all believers are called to be disciple-makers. No one should come as a consumer, but all should come as servants. The Holy Spirit has given each of us a gift that is to be used for building up the body. We want our leaders to teach us how to lead and help us develop in character through their modeling and teaching. Our goal is that each one of us becomes like Christ, and develops the ability to lead others to Him, make disciples, and plant churches.

Spirit-Filled Missionaries

We want to be people with supernatural character, focused on sharing the gospel with neighbors and coworkers. We want to be people who are devoted to the Great Commission. For some, this will mean going to foreign countries to share Christ where He has not been heard. For others, this means supporting those who have gone. For everyone, it means sharing the gospel regularly.

Suffering Sojourners

Read the Bible with us

Don’t know where to start? We’ve found it helpful when everyone is reading the same thing in the scriptures. In this way, God’s Word can guide us and steer us in similar directions during our gathering times. This plan goes through the New Testament and the Psalms each year and the Old Testament every three years. And the best part is that you can start TODAY!

The Way Church Practices

Devotion to Scripture

We have structured The Way Church to build a culture of people spending time with God by reading the Bible. There is a set Bible reading plan we follow and each goes through the daily readings that give us a sense of being in one mind and one accord. As we meet throughout the week, we are able to discuss and ask questions knowing everyone is on the same page. We also encourage reading and studying other books of the Bible as the Holy Spirit leads. We’d like to retire the idea of only Sunday service feedings and incorporate personal daily feeding that will form a true relationship with Jesus Christ by making time to read the word and take it seriously by being devoted to the Scriptures.

We Meet In Homes

Because of our values, meeting in homes are the best way to practice loving each other right now. Homes promote an environment and culture of worship, family, fellowship encouragement, and equipping each other to use spiritual gifts and making disciples. Homes are also very practical and keeps cost of our gatherings very low. Since we have no morgage payments or payroll on staff, we can use our finances to support those in need in our community and aid foreign missionaries as they spread the gospel across the world. 

Everyone Discipled & Discipling

Everyone is called to make disciples. We are all called to share the gospel with non-believers in hopes that they would follow Jesus. We are all called to take responsibility for the spiritual care of other believers. But discipleship is hard and messy. It involves intentionally getting to know someone, having hard conversations when sin is evident, working through conflict, and spending extra time with them when life gets hard.

Everyone Exercises Gifts

Paul said “to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Cor 12:7). He goes on to list many different types of gifts that the Spirit gives to believers for the sake of the body. Then, he explains how every part of the body is needed and that we must be careful not to develop a mindset that some gifts are more necessary than others. But is that truly how we function in the church? Does every single believer in a church realize that they are just as needed and important as anyone else in the church? Or do they tend to think that the preacher and worship leader are more important?

Regular Multiplication of Churches

So many churches begin small, relational, and discipleship-focused, but aren’t able to maintain those characteristics as numeric growth happens. Before they know it, they have become more and more of a machine rather than a healthy family. Meeting in homes sounds great, but what happens as the church grows? How does a church adapt as the Lord adds to their number? One word: Multiplication. The true fruit of an apple tree isn’t apples, but rather more apple trees. The true fruit of a strong leader is not followers, but more strong leaders. The true fruit of a healthy church is not congregants, but more healthy churches. God has designed the world to be one that reproduces and multiplies.

Simple, Small Gatherings

When things started getting out of control in Corinth, Paul reminded them of how he started the church. In 1 Corinthians 2 he states that he intentionally held back from using “eloquence,” “human wisdom,” and “wise and persuasive words” when starting and building the church. He didn’t want their walk with Jesus to be built on anything other than the power of the gospel. Likewise, Jesus was unwilling to draw people with anything other than Himself. Are we willing to do the same in our churches? Are we willing to strip everything away to make sure people are being drawn by Jesus and Jesus alone?

Our vision as a church community is threefold: Be with Jesus, become like Him, and do what He did. We want to learn to abide with Jesus and love Him more and more. This will turn into being transformed into the image of Jesus in discipleship. We become like Him by doing what He did and adopt His lifestyle. These three ideas help us know where we need to grow in our relationship with Jesus.  

Be with Jesus

Become Like Jesus

Do What Jesus Did